Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fat Week

Have you ever had what I like to call a fat week? It's the the type of week where you eat and eat and eat and then Sunday roles around and you say, "This is it! I am starting my diet tomorrow, nothing but good, hearty, healthy foods." So then, you pack in as much bad food as you possibly can, cause you think it's going to be the last your ever gonna get. Well... that is exactly the type of week I had, except this time I'm not going to stuff my face full of naughties. I'm starting today!!! not tomorrow. So join me as I start the journey to what I like to call "NO MORE FAT WEEKS"

No more fat weeks contract:
By commenting on this page you have committed yourself to having no more fat weeks. You will only get fatter if you break the contract.

1 comment:

  1. I charlotte Effler will have NO MORE FAT WEEKS!!!
